As announced on the official website of the Master’s Program in International Relations, the Master’s Program in International Relations (MIHI) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held a thanksgiving event to celebrate its successful achievement of A Accreditation. Previously, the MIHI program had obtained B accreditation. The thanksgiving event took place at the Student Lounge, 2nd floor of the Postgraduate Building, UMY. The event was held simply by inviting various parties who supported the MIHI program so that it could successfully obtain A Accreditation. The thanksgiving began at 10:00 AM (8/10).
The event began with the recitation of the Holy Quran by the 14th generation MIHI student, Mr. Azrul Asikin. This was followed by a speech from the Head of the MIHI Study Program, Dr. Surwandono, S.Sos.,M.Si. In short, he expressed his gratitude to all parties who had helped the MIHI program accreditation process so that MIHI could obtain A Accreditation. In addition, Dr. Surwandono also conveyed that MIHI had achieved A accreditation with minimal funding. This is one achievement that could not have been achieved without the help of all parties present here.
The next event began with a speech by the Director of the Postgraduate Program, Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., P. Eng. In short, he expressed congratulations to the MIHI program for achieving A accreditation. Several other study programs have also obtained A accreditation, such as the Islamic Politics and Political Science program, which is the only doctoral program in the field of Islamic politics. The Master of Public Administration program has also obtained A accreditation. With the increasing number of programs that have obtained A accreditation, it is hoped that this can become a positive influence that can spread to other programs, thus encouraging their spirit to achieve A accreditation in the future.
The thanksgiving ceremony concluded with a joint prayer led by one of the best MIHI alumni who graduated with a GPA of 4.00, Rizky Dian Nursita. She currently serves as a lecturer at Universitas Islam Indonesia.