As reported on the official Magister of Nursing (MKep) website, MKep UMY is the only private university nursing master’s program selected for the LPDP Educator Scholarship. The LPDP Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships provided by the Indonesian government, both for domestic and foreign universities. This special scholarship for educators covers tuition fees and living expenses for 24 months for the Master’s program. Meanwhile, for Doctoral programs, it covers 36 months.
One of the reasons why LPDP grants this scholarship to MKep UMY is that MKep UMY has obtained A accreditation, which is one of the requirements. For readers interested in finding information about the application requirements for the 2020 LPDP Educator Scholarship, please click here.
Fitri Arofiati, S.Kep., Ns., MAN, Ph.D., as the Head of the MKep UMY Program, expressed her gratitude and thanked all academic staff at UMY who have worked together. “Yes, the MKep UMY program is the first private nursing master’s program to be included in the LPDP list. Alhamdulillah, this is a great achievement by our colleagues, lecturers, education staff, and MKep students,” she explained. She hopes that prospective students will take advantage of this opportunity to apply for the LPDP scholarship.