As reported on the official website of the Doctor of Islamic Politics-Political Science program, Salahudin, a student of Islamic Politics-Political Science at UMY, successfully completed his dissertation closed examination. The examination was held by the Doctor of Islamic Politics-Political Science Study Program on Wednesday (20/1) in the Director’s Meeting Room of the UMY Postgraduate Program. Salahudin presented his dissertation entitled “An Analysis of Political Networks in Corruption Practices in Regional Financial Management in Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City” to the examination team.
Salahudin explained that the formation of political networks in corruption practices in Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City is related to the use of dominance politics and influence politics in regional financial management. There are several roles of actors in the formation of political networks of corruption practices, including determining policies (approving policy), using and providing political access (political access), acting as political brokers (political brokers), prioritizing political lobbying (political lobbies), and setting the agenda (setting agenda).
This lecturer from Muhammadiyah University Malang described the formation of political networks of corruption practices in Malang Regency and Malang City as networks of political clientelism, elite capture, and political cartels. Meanwhile, the political network of corruption practices in Batu City is only related to the elite capture network. Political networks in the form of elite capture have an influence on corruption practices in Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City. This occurs in the form of political corruption, policy manipulation, political co-optation, political dominance, and bribery.
He added that political clientelism networks also influence corruption practices in Malang Regency and Malang City, which occur in the form of collusion relations, exchange of political resources, transactional politics, constituent politics, and political fundraising. Meanwhile, political cartel networks in corruption practices in Malang City and Malang Regency influence the exchange of political elite resources, transactional politics in decision-making, and transactional party politics.
The examination team consisted of Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc, Prof. Dr. Sjafri Sairin, M.A., Dr. Trisno Raharjo, M.Hum, Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, M.Si., Dr. Zuly Qodir, M.Ag., Dr. Hasse J., M.A, and Dr. Mega Hidayati, M.A (Chair of the Session). The examiners provided suggestions and criticisms of the material that had been presented. Salahudin was asked to make corrections according to the directions of the examination team.