As published on the official website of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics and Political Science, the extreme violence that occurred in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period was structural. In this case, the Dutch authorities failed to prevent, control, investigate, and punish perpetrators of extreme violence.
As conveyed by Dr. Remy Limpach from the Netherlands Institute of Military History (NIMH) at the International Seminar entitled “Decolonialization & Political Violence in Indonesia: Reflections of The Past”, Tuesday (8/10) at the Postgraduate Seminar Room, UMY Integrated Campus. The seminar was organized by the Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics and Political Science in collaboration with the Department of Public Administration, International Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV), and the Master of Public Administration, UMY.
Dr. Remy Limpach menerangkan adanya faktor utama yang mendorong kekerasan yang dilakukan pihak Belanda. Faktor utama di antaranya, kekurangan personel tentara dikombinasikan dengan tujuan yang terlalu ambisius dan meremehkan pasukan Indonesia (berlebihan), kepemimpinan yang tidak memadai dari atas ke bawah (pengalihan tanggung jawab) sistem peradilan yang terlalu padat dalam kombinasi dengan penjara yang penuh sesak, dan gagalnya peradilan militer dan kurangnya hukuman.
In addition to Dr. Remy Limpach, Dr. Zuly Qodir, M.Ag (Head of the S3 Islamic Politics Study Program), and David Efendi, M.A. (Lecturer in Public Administration) also participated as speakers at the seminar.
Dr. Zuly revealed that the perpetrators of violence could be state institutions (such as ministers, military, and police), corporations (multinational and national), and society (bandits, thugs).
Meanwhile, David Efendi explained that the Netherlands was building ethical politics as an effort to correct/rectify the history of colonialism in Indonesia. (Photo: Adibah)