For the first time, the Graduate Program held a Website News Writing Training as a means to enhance the quality of website administrators at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Graduate Program. This event was attended by all website administrators from each graduate program at UMY on Saturday, January 12th, in the Graduate Program Director’s Meeting Room on the 1st floor.
Sakinatudh Dhuhuriyah, S.Kom. I, Coordinator of the UMY Public Relations and Protocol Bureau, emphasized the essential elements of news writing. She highlighted the importance of factual accuracy, rationality, and the inclusion of the 5W1H (who, what, where, when, why, and how) and inverted pyramid style. She stressed that news writing differs significantly from writing minutes, and that news should focus on important issues with substantial value.
The participants showed great enthusiasm for the Website News Writing Training, as evidenced by the intense question-and-answer session. This training, aimed at improving the potential of website administrators, has motivated participants to strive for better writing skills. High-quality news articles have the power to attract more readers.