In order to accelerate the publication of graduates from the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) who are excellent and professional in research, the Postgraduate Program held a “Sharing Forum for Journal Managers Towards Scopus-Indexed Journals” on Wednesday (10/2). Inviting Rahmat Hidayat, M.Sc.IT, editor in chief of IJASEIT (International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology) as a speaker, this event was held online via Zoom Meeting.
“UMY’s Postgraduate Program has several journals, the highest ranked ones are in SINTA (Science and Technology Index) 2 (Journal of Governance and Public Policy and Journal of Medicoeticolegal and Hospital Management), and the lowest is in SINTA 4 (Journal of Business: Theory and Implementation). To optimize the publication of UMY Postgraduate graduates, we will continue to make efforts to improve quality so that it can be a stepping stone for Scopus-indexed journals. We will continue to develop these journals,” said Ir. Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng. IPM, Director of the UMY Postgraduate Program in his welcoming speech.
Rahmat explained that managing a journal requires specific strategies and a strong network to get a good journal. In addition, there are also several rules in writing a journal such as: clear editor concepts and policies, available review processes, diversity of editors’ countries of origin, diversity of authors’ countries of origin.
He also added that the content of the journal must also contribute academically to a specific field. The quality of the journal must be in accordance with the stated scope, and the abstract content must also be clear.
“To be safe, journal managers should not make the abstract too short or too long. Usually, we set a standard of 200-250 words,” he said.
He also emphasized that a unique name is also one of the keys to accelerating journal publication. There are many unique regions or cultures in Indonesia that are not found in other countries, such as Mount Merapi. “Actually, there are many unique things in Indonesia that are not found abroad, for example, Mount Merapi. Why don’t we think about making journals about Mount Merapi,” he added.
The Journal Management Sharing Forum was attended by editorial staff from the UMY Postgraduate Program’s study programs: Master of Management, Master of Hospital Administration, Master of Nursing, Master of Public Administration, Master of International Relations, Master of Islamic Studies, Master of Law, Doctor of Islamic Politics-Political Science, Doctor of Islamic Educational Psychology, and Doctor of Management.
Journal of Governance and Public Policy SINTA 2
Journal of Governance and Policy (JPK)
JMMR (Journal of Medicoeticolegal and Hospital Management) SINTA 2
Journal of Islamic World and Politics SINTA 3
IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) SINTA 3
JBTI: Journal of Business: Theory and Implementation SINTA 4
Journal of Law Enforcement and Justice