As reported on the official website of the Doctoral Program in Management (PSDM), Prof. Dr. Siswoyo Haryono, MM., M.Pd., as the Head of PSDM, delivered a promotional material for PSDM related to academic guidelines, curriculum, operational permits, course descriptions, concentrations/specializations, learning processes, tuition fees, etc. at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (UNIMUS). The event, attended by 12 lecturers from the Faculty of Economics, UNIMUS, was not only aimed at carrying out promotional activities but also aimed at fostering relationships among Muhammadiyah Universities.
The Dean of the Faculty of Economics, UNIMUS, Dr. Hardiwinoto, M.Si, said that this visit received a very positive response from UNIMUS and hopes to contribute to the advancement of UMY’s PSDM in the future.
“The doctoral program is indeed focused on international journal publications, therefore we from the Doctoral Program in Management have a Research Center program which aims to guide students in journal publications. So in the future, it is expected that students will not have difficulty in publishing international journals,” said Prof. Dr. Siswoyo Haryono, MM., M.Pd when presenting in Meeting Room 209, 2nd Floor of the UNIMUS Rectorate Building, Wednesday (26/07).