Emphasizing the importance of maintaining relationships, the Graduate Program held an event titled “Alumni Gathering of the Graduate Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)”. The event was attended by hundreds of alumni from various study programs and was accompanied by Dr. Khamim Zarkasih Putro, M.Si, as the Chair of UMY Graduate Alumni.
“Maintaining relationships must have results, besides prolonging sustenance, age, and life partners, but what is clear is that the construction of our knowledge is no longer the construction of scientific knowledge, but how we choose our nation and where we want to take this country. How can our scientific building be able to build better science. Hopefully this is a good start, to be able to contribute to the Graduate Program and of course to Indonesia,” said Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P, Rector of UMY.
The Head of the UMY Graduate Program, Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, M. Sc. Eng., Ph.D., P. Eng, added that maintaining relationships is important because it can be a connector of new energy that can add new enthusiasm. Alumni are the spearhead of education from a university.
“Therefore, let’s synergize for our institution, in the future, more towards the benefits. The synergy of alumni with the university is very important. It’s time for us to recall alumni to provide input. A good educational process is one that has feedback. We are very open to evaluation from alumni, especially in the 4.0 revolution. Let us realize the UMY Graduate Program to be increasingly national, stronger, and achieve our vision and mission of being excellent and Islamic,” he concluded.