On Tuesday, October 29th, and Wednesday, October 30th, the Graduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) underwent an on-site assessment conducted by the Engineering Accreditation Board (LAM Teknik) for the Master of Civil Engineering Program (MTS). LAM Teknik is an independent accreditation body responsible for accrediting engineering programs in Indonesia. This on-site assessment was the first for the MTS program as an effort to obtain accreditation after obtaining operational permits. For this assessment, LAM Teknik assigned two assessors to UMY: Ilham Nurhuda, S.T., M.T., Ph.D as the lead assessor, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Herman Parung, M.Eng as a member of the assessment team.
This MTS accreditation at UMY’s Graduate Program was the third accreditation in October, following the MAGSI and HPM programs. The two-day assessment began with opening remarks from UMY’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P., IPM., ASEAN, Eng, followed by a welcome address from the LAM Teknik lead assessor, Ilham Nurhuda. After the opening ceremony, presentations were given by the Program Management Unit (UPPS) and the Study Program (PS), followed by a cross-checking of data by the assessors. The UPPS and PS were assisted by all supporting units at UMY. After the data cross-checking, the assessors conducted interviews with academic staff, visiting the facilities at the UMY Graduate Program to inspect the facilities and infrastructure. Following the site visit, the assessors interviewed MTS students and then MTS lecturers. After the interviews, the assessors conducted independent work before returning to their hotel. On the second day, the assessment concluded with a reading of the visit findings, followed by the signing of the minutes and a group photo.