Media and Communication

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Media and Communication

Global Competitiveness through Media and Communication

The Media and Communication Study Program embraces a multicultural perspective that promotes the spirit of equality, tolerance, and appreciation for diversity and difference.

Study Period

1,5-2 years

Operating License


Academic Degree

Credit Hours

36 SKS

Why study at the Master of Media and Communication program at UMY?

Qualified lecturer

The faculty members of the Master of Media and Communication program at UMY consist of 3 Professors and 10 Doctors. Additionally, they possess various certifications relevant to their respective fields of expertise.

Highest Publication Output

The publications consist of National Proceedings, International Proceedings, National Journals, Scopus-indexed International Journals, and Non-Scopus International Journals.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Master's program in Media and Communication have a wide and exciting range of career opportunities. Here are some possibilities you can explore:

  • Media Industry:
    • Journalist: Work in print, online, or television media as a reporter, editor, or producer.
    • Public Relations: Build and maintain a positive image for an organization or individual.
    • Marketing: Develop effective marketing strategies through various media.
    • Content Creator: Produce creative content for various digital platforms.
  • Digital Marketing:
    • Social Media Specialist: Manage company social media and run digital campaigns.
    • SEO Specialist: Improve website visibility in search engines.
    • Digital Analyst: Analyze digital data to make business decisions.
  • Communication Consultant:
    • Strategic Communication Consultant: Provide clients with advice on effective communication strategies.
    • Social Media Consultant: Help clients manage their social media.
  • Government:
    • Government Public Relations: Build relationships between government and the public.
    • Public Policy Planner: Develop effective communication policies.
  • Pendidikan:
    • Lecturer: Teach at universities or other educational institutions.
  • Startup:
    • Co-founder: Start your own business in the media or technology field.
    • Communications Manager: Manage internal and external communications for startup companies.
  • Non-Profit Organizations:
    • Communicator: Manage communications for social campaigns or development programs.



The Media and Communication Studies program offers two concentrations. The first concentration, Communication and Digital Media Management, is designed for those interested in developing effective communication strategies in the digital age. While the second concentration, Digital Media and Culture Studies, emphasizes a deep understanding of digital culture and critical analysis of contemporary media.

The communication profession today requires specialized skills in the digital age. Skills such as communication management, multicultural perspectives, and studies in digital culture and media are key to the survival of the communication profession in an ever-changing digital landscape. With this Master's program, we are committed to training future professionals in the fields of media and communication.


The Master of Media and Communication program at Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta (UMY Master of MedKom) is based on the needs of the workforce which is shifting in the era of the 4.0 to 5.0 industrial revolution where the role of information technology (IT) is becoming increasingly significant. This has an impact on contemporary communication science professions which are required to not only master the understanding of practitioners, entrepreneurship and analytics in the fields of communication, politics, society, and culture but also digital-based hard skills and soft skills. Not only with theory, but lectures are also supported by the analysis of the implementation or application of theory in real-world cases.

The roles and challenges of workers in the field of communication and media studies in the future will be related to three keywords, namely: hybridization of skills and cross-disciplinary collaborations and cultural sensitivity. To meet these challenges, the Master of MedKom program initiates a specialization in Communication Studies that focuses specifically on Digital Media and Digital Communication with a Multicultural perspective as a hallmark, which is realized in the courses (1) Perspectives and Communication Theories and (2) Perspectives of Digital Society."

To become a leading study program in producing competent, creative, and ethical graduates in the field of media and communication, and to actively contribute to the development of the national and international creative industries.

The communication profession today requires specialized skills in the digital era. Abilities such as communication management, multicultural perspectives, and studies in digital culture and media are key to the existence of the communication profession to avoid disruption. With this Master's Program, we are committed to training professionals in the field of media and communication for the future.

Firly Annisa, S.IP., MA., Ph.D
Ketua Program Studi Magister Media & Komunikasi UMY

Contact Us

For more detailed information about the Master of Public Administration program at UMY, please contact our representative.
  • Gedung Pascasarjana (Gedung Kasman Singodimedjo), lantai 2 Kampus Terpadu UMY
    Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta, 55183​
  • Gedung Pascasarjana Kampus Terpadu UMY,
    Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta - 55183
  • 0274-387656 Ext. 247
  • 0852-2620-2525
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