On Saturday, March 5th, and Sunday, March 6th, the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (PPs UMY) held a Mid-Year Working Meeting (RKTT) for the 2021/2022 academic year together with the heads of 10 study programs under the auspices of PPs UMY. This RKTT was conducted in a blended format, both offline at Hotel Kimaya Sudirman Yogyakarta by Harris and online via Zoom Meeting. Approximately 25 participants attended the PPs UMY RKTT.
At the PPs UMY RKTT, all PPs UMY leaders and study program heads discussed matters related to postgraduate studies, collaborations, academics, and finances, as well as follow-up plans for PPs UMY and study programs to meet the IKS targets.