The Graduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held an online Graduation and Final Lecture for the IV period of 2019/2020 via Zoom Meeting on May 11th. The event featured a public lecture by Drs. Agus Syamsuddin, MM, with the theme “The Role of the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) in Handling the Corona Pandemic in Indonesia.”
The event was attended by the Director of the Graduate Program, Ir. Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng., IPM, the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Erna Rochmawati, MNSc., M.Med.Ed., Ph.D, and the Deputy Director for Resources Dr. M. Nurul Yamin, M.Si, as well as the speaker, lecturers, and 32 prospective graduates via online.
“We, the management of the Graduate Program, offer our hopes and prayers for all of us, may we always be given health and strength in facing this Covid-19 pandemic, and hopefully the pandemic will end soon so that we can all return to our normal activities as before. Besides that, in facing this Covid-19 pandemic, we, the Graduate Program, will roll up our sleeves, change policies, and online learning will replace offline learning, and we will also prepare the administrative process to be online following our efforts to carry out prevention as maximally as possible,” said the director of the Graduate Program in his remarks.
Furthermore, he said, “We congratulate the prospective graduates, and we also remind you that on the shoulders of each graduate, there will be a trust in the form of a pillar, whether a master or a doctor, and in that pillar, it is also written UMY Graduate Program. Thus, become the new generation of KH. Ahmad Dahlan wherever you are. Become a new generation of KH. Ahmad Dahlan who can contribute as widely as possible to the community and provide the greatest benefits with knowledge, potential, and whatever is in ourselves as the Muhammadiyah movement.”
Best Graduates from Each Study Program:
Awards for the Best Graduates of the UMY Graduate Program:
Thesis Title; “Political Dynasty Practices at the Local Level Post-Reform: A Case Study of Abdul Gani Kasuba and Ahmad Hidayat Mus in the North Maluku Provincial Election.”