On Monday and Tuesday, July 11th and 12th, 2022, the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (PPs UMY) held a Pre-RKT meeting with all the heads and secretaries of study programs at the UMY Postgraduate Program. The event was held at Puri Asri Resort & Hotel Magelang. In this discussion, the Pre-RKT evaluated the achievement of Strategic Performance Indicators (IKS) and the achievement of work programs by all study programs at the UMY Postgraduate Program.
On the second day of the event, PPs UMY also invited the UMY Planning and Development Board (BPP), the UMY Research and Innovation Institute (LRI), the UMY Human Resources Development and Career Center (LPKSDM), and the UMY Finance and Assets Institute (LKA) to assist in the discussion on the achievement of IKS and the achievement of work programs by all study programs at the UMY Postgraduate Program.