Government Affairs and Administration

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Government Affairs and Administration

Ready to Contribute on the National Stage

Doctor of Public Administration (IP) UMY graduates are expected to contribute to national development and resolve various national issues, particularly those related to the field of public administration.

Study Period

1,5-2 years

Excellent Accreditation


Academic Degree


Credit Hours

42 SKS

Mengapa kuliah di PSDM UMY?

Accreditation Certificate for the Doctoral Program in Public Administration, UMY

Qualified Lecturer

The UMY Doctoral Program in Governance faculty consists of Professors and Doctors who possess expertise in their respective fields.


Comprehensive learning support facilities


Accredited "Excellent" with the number 5054/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/D/XII/2023 by BAN-PT.

Graduate Competencies

General Competencies:

  1. Able to critically analyze theories, models, and concepts of public administration that have been previously developed in a logical, critical, systematic, and innovative manner.
  2. Able to provide solutions to the problems of Islamic society through the discovery of new theories for the overall welfare of the ummah.
  3. Able to produce multidisciplinary thinking for the development of science in accordance with scientific principles, procedures, and ethics, which is published through reputable scientific publications.

Specific Competencies

  1. Able to synthesize theories and concepts of public administration using a multidisciplinary approach based on scientific principles, procedures, and ethics rooted in Islamic studies.
  2. Able to evaluate and map political concepts and theories at the local, national, and global levels with the aim of achieving the overall well-being of the community.
  3. Able to critically analyze theories, models, and concepts of Islamic political science developed through scientific research, resulting in publications in reputable national or international journals indexed in Scopus (Writing Academy), based on Islamic studies and big data.

To become a leading Doctoral Program in Public Administration with a core focus on ICT-based Governance that is grounded in Islamic values for the benefit of the community.

  1. To provide public administration education for students to acquire analytical skills and substantive knowledge with a core focus on ICT-based Governance.
  2. To conduct research and publish internationally with a core focus on ICT-based Governance as a means of developing new theories.
  3. To implement community service that is relevant to societal issues and needs, with a core focus on ICT-based Governance as an application of noble values.

Our study program is designed to exceed the Graduate Competency Level 9 of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) with two outputs: publications in reputable international journals. Graduates are expected to be competitive and have the ability to develop themselves in their chosen professions, especially in academia.

Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc.
Ketua Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Pemerintahan UMY

Contact Us

For more detailed information about the UMY Doctoral Program in Management, please contact our representative.
  • Gedung Pascasarjana (Gedung Kasman Singodimedjo), lantai 2 Kampus Terpadu UMY
    Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta, 55183​
  • Gedung Pascasarjana Kampus Terpadu UMY,
    Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta - 55183
  • 0274-387656 Ext. 247
  • 0852-2620-2525
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