Islamic Educational Psychology

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Islamic Educational Psychology

Ready to Face the Challenges of Future Education

The UMY Doctoral Program in Islamic Educational Psychology provides high-quality education to produce competent doctors in the field of Islamic educational psychology.

Study Period

1,5-2 years

Excellent accreditation


Academic degree


Credit Hours

42 SKS

Why study at PPI UMY?

Accreditation Certificate for the Doctoral Program PPI UMY

Qualified Lecturer

The lecturers at the PPI UMY consist of Professors and Doctors who possess multiple certifications aligned with their respective areas of expertise.


Complete learning support facilities.

Highest Publication Output

The publications consist of National Proceedings, International Proceedings, National Journals Scopus-indexed, International Journals, and Non-Scopus International Journals



Based on the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Regulation (Permenristek) No. 44/2015 concerning the National Higher Education Standards, the Doctoral Program in Islamic Educational Psychology at the Graduate School of Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta has implemented a curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI). The study load for the Doctoral Program is 42 credits. The curriculum distribution can be seen in the following link.




The Doctoral Program in Islamic Education Psychology at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta aims to produce doctoral graduates who are knowledgeable in science, have noble character, possess a global perspective, are able to implement Islamic values, and develop their academic competencies to improve the welfare and well-being of humanity.

As a leading program, the Doctoral Program in Islamic Education Psychology has program outcomes that can build integration and interconnection between science, technology, and Islamic values. Additionally, it is highly focused on developing the science of Islamic Education Psychology through the organization of scientific forums and the publication of research results in reputable national and international journals.

Our goal is to establish a premier doctoral program in Southeast Asia focused on Islamic Educational Psychology. By fostering academic collaboration and upholding Islamic values, we aim to contribute to societal and national betterment by 2025.

  1. To conduct a doctoral program in Islamic Educational Psychology with academic excellence, thus having a good reputation both nationally and internationally.
  2. To conduct research in Islamic Educational Psychology in collaboration with both national and international partners.
  3. To conduct community service that is collaborative and provides positive contributions to the welfare of the people and nation.
  4. To produce graduates of high quality with integrity based on Islamic values.

  1. The establishment of a doctoral program to produce graduates in Islamic Educational Psychology who are capable of making scientific contributions at the national and international levels.
  2.  The production of scientific works in the field of Islamic Educational Psychology that can be published in reputable national and international journals.
  3. The realization of community service and cooperation networks with various national and international institutions that benefit the welfare of the people and the nation.
  4. The production of doctoral graduates who possess Islamic personal integrity and morality in both individual and social life contexts.

  1. Conducting high-quality research-based education and learning supported by a modern learning system and a conducive academic atmosphere.
  2. Conducting training in scientific writing and providing guidance for publication in reputable publishers for both lecturers and students.
  3. Conducting collaborative and interdisciplinary community service activities involving partners from both national and international institutions.
  4. Organizing academic and non-academic activities that produce graduates with integrity who are capable of implementing the values of Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan.

We encourage the production of doctoral graduates who are proficient in science, have noble character, possess a global perspective, are able to implement Islamic values, and develop their academic competencies to improve the welfare and well-being of humanity.

Mohammad Syifa Amin Widigdo, Ph.D
Ketua Program Studi Doktor Psikologi Pendidikan Islam UMY

Contact Us

For more detailed information about the UMY Doctoral Program in Islamic Educational Psychology, please contact our representative.
  • Gedung Pascasarjana (Gedung Kasman Singodimedjo), lantai 2 Kampus Terpadu UMY
    Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta, 55183​
  • Gedung Pascasarjana Kampus Terpadu UMY,
    Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta - 55183
  • 0274-387656 Ext. 247
  • 0852-2620-2525
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