Islamic Politics – Political Science

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Islamic Politics – Political Science

Ready to Face Global Challenges

Our doctoral program will equip you with the skills to design and evaluate public policies relevant to contemporary Islamic political issues.

Lama Kuliah

1,5-2 tahun

Akreditasi Unggul


Gelar Akademik


Jumlah SKS

42 SKS

Why study at the UMY Doctor of Islamic Politics-Political Science program?

Acreditation Certificate Prodi Doktor PI-IP UMY

Qualified Lecturer

The lecturers of the Government Science and Public Administration program at UMY consist of Professors and Doctors who possess multiple certifications relevant to their respective fields of expertise.


Comprehensive learning support facilities

Best Publications

The Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics - Political Science ranks first in the Indonesian SINTA ranking for Doctoral Programs in Political Science (2017-present).



The Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics - Political Science at UMY offers in-depth studies on various aspects of politics related to Islam, both in domestic and international contexts. The offered concentrations of study are diverse and relevant to contemporary issues, including:

  • State, Power, and Religion: Exploring the complex relationship between state, power, and religion, especially in the context of Muslim-majority countries.
  • Islamic Movements: Analyzing various Islamic movements, ranging from moderate to radical, and the factors influencing their emergence and development.
  • Media, Islam, and Politics: Studying the role of the media in shaping public opinion, disseminating ideologies, and influencing political processes, especially in the context of Islam.
  • Democracy: Analyzing the concept of democracy in the context of Islam, the challenges in its implementation, and Islam's contribution to the development of democracy.
  • Political Parties, Elections, and Parliament: Studying the dynamics of Islamic political parties, the electoral process, and the role of parliament in the Islamic political system.
  • Civilized Society: Analyzing the concept of a civilized society in Islam and efforts to realize a just, prosperous, and dignified society.
  •  Islamic Organizations: Studying various types of Islamic organizations, ranging from mass organizations to non-governmental organizations, and their roles in society.
  • Transnational Crime and Terrorism: Analyzing the root causes of transnational crimes and terrorism with an Islamic ideological background, as well as efforts to prevent and eradicate them.
  • Regional Conflicts and Resolution: Studying regional conflicts involving Islamic groups, as well as efforts to find peaceful solutions.
  • Minority Groups in the Region: Analyzing the position and challenges faced by Muslim minority groups in various parts of the world.
  • Foreign Policy: Studying the foreign policies of Muslim-majority countries and their impact on international relations.
  • Gender and Islam: Analyzing gender issues in Islam, the role of women in politics, and efforts to achieve gender equality.
  • Muslim Societies: Studying the social, cultural, and economic dynamics of Muslim societies in a global context.

To become a leading doctoral program in political science with a focus on Islamic societies in Southeast Asia in the development of new scientific theories/concepts/ideas through empirical research published nationally and internationally for the benefit of the people, nation, and state by 2025.

  1. To conduct education and teaching of Islamic politics based on Political Science, integrated thematically, integratively, and innovatively with the study of the politics of contemporary Islamic societies.
  2. To develop new theories and knowledge in the field of politics through research and empirical studies on the politics of Islamic societies.
  3. To conduct community service that contributes to solving national, communal, and humanitarian problems.

The establishment of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics and Political Science was motivated by the gap between aspirations and reality. The program's focus, as outlined in its vision, is regional Islamic studies with a central theme of 'Islam, Politics and Media'.

Prof. Dr. Sunyoto Usman, M.A
Ketua Program Studi Doktor Politik Islam-Ilmu Politik UMY

I have gained a wealth of knowledge here that I might not be able to acquire elsewhere. Even if it were possible, the quality would certainly be different because all the educators here are highly competent.

Dr. Yeyen Subandi, S.IP., M.A.
Wakil Rektor III Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Contact Us

For more detailed information about the UMY Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics and Political Science, please contact our representative.
  • Gedung Pascasarjana (Gedung Kasman Singodimedjo), lantai 2 Kampus Terpadu UMY
    Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta, 55183​
  • Gedung Pascasarjana Kampus Terpadu UMY,
    Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta - 55183
  • 0274-387656 Ext. 247
  • 0852-2620-2525
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