Government Affairs and Administration

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Government Affairs and Administration

The Right Choice for Future Leaders

Our graduates are ready to pursue careers in various sectors, including government, non-profit organizations, and private companies. Enhance your career opportunities now.

Lama Kuliah

1,5-2 tahun

Akreditasi Unggul


Gelar Akademik


Jumlah SKS

36 SKS

Why study at UMY's MIP program?

Accreditation Certificate of the MIP Study Program at UMY

Qualified Lecturer

The MIP lecturers at UMY consist of 3 Professors and 10 Doctors. Additionally, they possess several certifications aligned with their respective areas of expertise.


Certified by the Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA) DN 20160008

Highest Publication Output

The publication consists of National Proceedings, International Proceedings, National Journals, Scopus-indexed International Journals, and Non-Scopus International Journals.

Joint Degree Program

Joint Degree Program in cooperation with the Master of Public Administration program at Mindanao State University - Iligant Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), Philippines.

Career opportunities

The Master of Public Administration program produces graduates who are prepared for careers in government agencies, legislative bodies, international NGOs, domestic NGOs, political parties, regional-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises, and the private sector, as:

  1. Politicians
  2. Regional Leaders
  3. NGO Directors
  4. Company Directors
  5. Academics, etc.



MIP has a concentration in Public Governance. This concentration is designed to produce MIP graduates who are competent in knowledge, analytical skills, and attitude in accordance with the profile of MIP graduates and the expectations of MIP stakeholders.

In this concentration, students are equipped with advanced knowledge of government systems, bureaucratic reform, government institutions, budgeting systems, policy-making analysis, party systems, local government, and dynamic governance in managing conflicts that occur in relationships between stakeholders as a hallmark of MIP graduates' competencies.

Course Materials

Prior to the commencement of the semester, the Master of Public Administration program develops a course schedule and assigns lecturers based on the study focus. Lecturers then prepare and discuss the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) for each course, consulting with other lecturers and considering input from alumni, users, and other stakeholders in a meeting held before the start of the semester. The RPS includes learning outcomes, student end-of-semester competencies, learning matrix, assignment design, and student assessment.

To become a leading Master's Program in developing governance studies based on Islamic values for the benefit of the people in 2021, in Indonesia.

  1. To conduct a superior and innovative master's program in public administration

  2. To conduct research and studies in public administration that combine public administration with Islamic values

  3. To implement community service that is relevant to societal issues and needs, using a public administration approach grounded in Islamic values

In the Master of Public Administration program, you will learn to be a competent and skilled leader in government management and a politician of the highest integrity.

Dr. Suswanta, M.Si
Ketua Program Studi Magister Magister Ilmu Pemerintahan UMY

It was a great experience to be selected in taking part in the Dual degree program (UMY-MSU-IIT) because It gave me an opportunity to meet a different kind of people from around the world and learned many things from them. I see this experience as a unique opportunity to explore what I truly want in life rather than a paper to leverage a promising career. The dual degree was a worthwhile experience and I feel that it has prepared me well for my professional career

Faye Lorraine P. Mina, M.A.P., M.I.P.
Mahasiswa Join Degree MIP UMY dan MSU IIT Philippines

UMY's MIP has proven to be a leader in the field of public administration master's programs in Indonesia, as evidenced by its strong institutional foundation, high-quality publications, and extensive national and global networks.

Gerry Katon Mahendra, S.IP., M.IP.
Kaprodi Administrasi Publik UNISA Yogyakarta

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Contact Us

For more detailed information about the Master of Public Administration program at UMY, please contact our representative.
  • Gedung Pascasarjana (Gedung Kasman Singodimedjo), lantai 2 Kampus Terpadu UMY
    Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta, 55183​


  • Gedung Pascasarjana Kampus Terpadu UMY,
    Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta - 55183
  • 0274-387656 Ext. 247
  • 0852-2620-2525
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