Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc., was officially inaugurated as a Professor at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). The inauguration took place at the Open Senate Meeting for the Inauguration of UMY Professors in the Ar. Fachrudin B Building, 5th floor, on Friday (8/25). Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi is a Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UMY.
In his research to obtain the title of Professor, Achmad Nurmandi raised the title, “Unorganized and Fragmented Governance: How the Muhammadiyah’s Collective Action Perspective Views Trustworthy Governance”. In this research, Prof. Achmad Nurmandi discussed issues related to general governance that occur in all countries. “The current issue of government organizational capacity in the world is how to solve complex problems, where these problems involve many actors and are multi-sectoral,” said Nurmandi.
These problems are related to the environment, unemployment, security, crime, homelessness, health, poverty, and borders, which often become news headlines because they are indeed difficult to solve. “Often, the problems faced by the government even exceed administrative boundaries, both territorial and organizational, as well as rigid administrative procedures because they involve multi-level, multi-actor, and multi-sectoral actors,” Nurmandi explained.
Furthermore, to overcome this, there must be collective action in one direction. Nurmandi gave an example with the practice of Muhammadiyah in politics. According to him, when Muhammadiyah members disagree with each other about the direction that the organization should take, there is an institutional logic that is still held, namely prioritizing religious and social functions in every direction taken. “That is what then makes Muhammadiyah not actively involved in elections. This good practice of Muhammadiyah, which prioritizes religious and social functions, should be translated into everyday government activities,” explained Nurmandi.
This good practice of Muhammadiyah, according to Nurmandi, can also be applied by the government to realize trustworthy governance. Because trustworthy governance, based on the theory found by Nurmandi in his research, is a government that consists of Public Trust, Trustworthy Leadership, and Collective Action (Trustworthy Governance = F (Trust + Leadership + Collective Action)). For example, for the election of leaders in the Muhammadiyah Manhaj Ideology, it is based on the community, not on personal desires. Members propose their candidate leaders based on the candidate’s trusted reputation, the trust of others in the candidate, and members know that the candidate can be trusted.
“And trustworthy leadership is a leader who can fulfill his trust, not betray his leadership trust, is able to uphold justice, law, and truth, and cooperate in goodness and piety and not cooperate (conspire) in committing sins and enmity. In addition to the existence of trustworthy public leadership, collective action involving a number of parties is also needed, such as universities, professional consulting firms, and other elements of society. However, this collective action must also be given to trustworthy people, so that it can run smoothly. Therefore, from the research I conducted, the most central thing is to uphold transparency, honesty, and have respect for each other. So this research is a form of contribution and thought for the Indonesian government,” concluded Nurmandi.
Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi himself is the sixth permanent Professor owned by UMY, in addition to Prof. Dr. H. Yunahar Ilyas, Lc., M.Ag, Prof. Dr. H. Tulus Warsito, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, MA, Prof. Dr. Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, and Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Muntohar, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D. 1 In addition, UMY also has 7 Professors with special lecturer employee numbers (NIDK), namely Prof. Dr. Siswoyo Haryono, MM,Mpd, Prof. Dr. Hj. Ismijati Jenie, S.H.,C.N, Prof. dr. Siti Nurdjanah, M.Kes, Sp.PD.,K.GEH, Prof. dr. Purnomo Suryantoro, DTMH, Sp.A(K), Ph.D, FRCP, Prof. Dr. dr. Mochammad Sya’bani, M.Med.,Sc.,Sp.PD.KGH, Prof. Dr. dr. H. Soewito, Sp.THT (K), and Prof. dr. Sri Kadarsih, M.Sc., AIFM, Ph.D. 2 (sumali)