As reported on the official website of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), UMY has once again achieved excellence in the field of journals and publications, as evidenced by the increasing number of journals within UMY that have obtained Sinta 2 accreditation. Based on the results of the second period of scientific journal accreditation in 2020, as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology Number 148/M/KPT/2020, two UMY journals have been upgraded to Sinta 2, namely the Journal of Governance and Public Policy and Komunikator, while the Media Hukum journal remains at Sinta 2 and Semesta Teknika has been upgraded to Sinta 3.
The achievements of UMY journals cannot be separated from the extraordinary support provided by the university, including operational support for journals, accelerated accreditation programs, and programs to accelerate internationally reputable journals within UMY. This extraordinary university support was confirmed by the Editor in Chief of the Komunikator Journal, Dr. Filosa Gita Sukmono (22/09). “This achievement of Sinta 2 cannot be separated from various programs at UMY to encourage its journals to continue to advance and develop both nationally and internationally,” she explained.
After many journals within UMY have been nationally accredited, the university’s next target is to increase the number of internationally reputable journals. “Hopefully, the journals at UMY can continue to improve and even be indexed by Scopus or WOS. Furthermore, after being indexed internationally, the authors who will contribute will be more diverse, not only from domestic but also from foreign countries,” explained Dianita Sugiyo, Head of the UMY Journal and Publication Division.