On Tuesday (15/08), the Graduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held a regular religious gathering for lecturers and staff at the UMY Graduate Program. The event took place at the 4th floor Amphitheater of the Graduate Program and was attended by approximately 70 participants.
On this occasion, UMY invited Ustadz Chusnul Azhar, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I as a speaker, who delivered a talk on the topic “Myths of the Month of Suro”.
During this event, UMY also held a farewell ceremony for the Graduate Program’s staff. This farewell event was held to express deep appreciation to the retiring staff members of the UMY Graduate Program, as well as to welcome the new staff members. We would like to thank the retiring staff members of the UMY Graduate Program for their dedication and contributions, and we welcome the new staff members and wish them all the best in their new roles.