As reported on the official website of the Master of Islamic Studies program, the Master of Islamic Studies students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta consist of regular students, international students, and scholarship students from the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PWM). PWM scholarship students are Muhammadiyah school teachers who are selected by the PWM Education and Training Board and given the opportunity to expand their knowledge and understanding at the UMY Master of Islamic Studies program.
The study process for MSI students involves coursework for 3 semesters and writing a thesis (final project) for at least 1 semester. Many MSI students successfully complete their studies on time or within 4 semesters, but there are also those who take longer than 4 semesters to complete their studies, even up to the maximum allotment of 8 semesters.
Therefore, the PWM Education and Training Board felt the need to monitor the progress of PWM scholarship MSI students. On Thursday, December 17, 2020, starting at 1:00 PM WIB until finished, at the 5th-floor meeting room of the AR Fakhruddin A UMY building, with an agenda of Progress Report on S2 Study Development, the PWM Education and Training Board, chaired by Achmad Muhammad, M.Ag, invited scholarship students from the 2018 and 2019 cohorts to review and understand the progress of their studies.
In addition to monitoring, the MSI Head of the Department also added, “The purpose is to conduct a silaturahmi with scholarship recipients from PWM and to understand the progress report of the learning development in the UMY MSI postgraduate program. Furthermore, it is also to provide motivation so that students can complete their studies on time.” said Dr. Muh. Samsudin, M.Pd.
The event was attended by 15 students from the 2018 cohort and 10 students from the 2019 cohort. They attended by bringing their KHS (transcript of records) and the progress report form from the PWM Education and Training Board that they had filled out.
Alhamdulillah, the event ran smoothly. Hopefully, the objectives of the event can be achieved, namely that students can complete their studies on time and achieve maximum results, namely cum laude. Allahumma aamiin. (Ah)