As reported on the official website of the Master of Nursing Program, the Master of Nursing Program, along with two other nursing programs, held a Workshop on the Preparation of Self-Assessment Reports (SAR) at Grand Dafam Rohan Yogyakarta on Thursday and Friday (9-10/1). The event was attended by the heads of each program, including Ibu Fitri Arofiati, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., Ph.D., as the Head of the Master of Nursing Program at UMY, Ibu Arianti, S.Kep., Ns, M.Kep., Sp.KMB as the Head of the Nursing Education and Profession Program, and Ibu Shanti Wardaningsih, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.J., Ph.D. as the Head of the Nursing Science Program, as well as several lecturers and other interested parties.
This workshop was a series of preparatory activities for the three programs to prepare for improving the quality of their accreditation to become internationally accredited programs. One of the things that must be prepared is the preparation of SAR. SAR is a control and evaluation program for the quality of a process activity, in this case, it is interpreted as the quality of teaching and learning activities according to international accreditation. Through SAR, the performance results of the learning process of a course can be known. Evaluation and control are carried out on a regular and periodic basis. The results obtained can be used to identify problems and become considerations for decision-making in improving a process. The results obtained are not instant but rather a cumulative improvement strategy for the long term.
This activity is also proof that the three programs are indeed very serious about improving the quality of their programs to not only be good in national standards but also good in international standards. The three programs also invited Dr. Leni Sophia Heliani, S.T, M.Sc from Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta to assist in the preparation of Conservative Learning Alignment (CLA). The two-day activity was filled with a series of fairly packed sessions, namely, there were 4 sessions per day to discuss SAR and CLA. It is hoped that this readiness will be able to not only improve quality but also produce quality graduates.