UMY once again held a Symposium on Faculty Development and Career on Saturday (5/8) at the 5th floor of the Fachrudin Building. The event was attended by lecturers from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with the aim of discussing and encouraging lecturers to improve their quality through scientific works. In addition, the Symposium also awarded the title of Professor to Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, as the first professor in the Government Studies Program.
In his welcoming remarks, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P., as the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, conveyed that the symposium was held to provide an understanding of how to develop lecturers in order to improve the quality of lecturers. “In improving the quality of lecturers, one of the supports is to continue studying to the doctoral level. At UMY itself, a total of 111 lecturers will be continuing their studies. The university has provided internal scholarships to 88 lecturers, and 23 other lecturers have received scholarships from outside the campus. Last year, many doctoral degrees were obtained by several lecturers in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences UMY so that this can be a motivation for lecturers to improve their quality by continuing their education at the next level. For that, we from the University, through the Human Resources Bureau, have been accelerating slowly to continue developing the careers of lecturers at UMY. Therefore, I hope that the lecturers can cooperate in advancing UMY,” said Gunawan.
Similarly, Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyadi, DEA, Coordinator of Kopertis Region V DIY, said that universities will not progress if they are not supported by lecturers or other parties within them. “Currently, Higher Education Institutions and lecturers must think about how to exceed the standards of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) of the Institution. If these standards are met, the quality of higher education institutions and lecturers will be taken into account. In previous years, lecturers only focused on education and teaching, so this will impact the lack of research that should be carried out by lecturers. For that, now the government will slowly improve and control the teaching load of lecturers. Lecturers who have completed a master’s degree can apply to become Senior Lecturers, but must publish international journals. Not only that, each higher education institution must focus on developing human resources within the institution, such as determining the analysis of when recruitment, lecturer gaps, and retirement,” explained Bambang.
Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D., as Director General of Science and Technology Resources at the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (IPTEK KEMENRISTEK DIKTI), also said that universities must also focus on character development. “The profession of lecturer, in addition to carrying out the mandate to teach, indirectly must be able to carry out the Tri Dharma, even the Catur Dharma of higher education, namely education and teaching, research and development, and community service. The Tri Dharma is not only the responsibility of students. But all lecturers (educators), and people involved in the learning process (academic community) have the same responsibility. So that this will be realized if the lecturers submit scientific publications. So actually we have to make fundamental changes such as developing the character of each lecturer. From there, teaching resources will be built to improve quality or development through scientific works, research, and others. However, we from Dikti certainly need good cooperation from Kopertis regions and universities to support lecturers in creating scientific works or continuing their studies. Because this will encourage lecturers to achieve doctoral or professorial degrees,” added Ali. (sumali/wsn)