MGAA MIP accepts the Visit of Government Science Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Juli 23, 2019
Reported through the official website Master of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta...

Internal Academic Quality Audit, Master of Government Affairs and Administration Gets a “Excellent” Score

Juli 20, 2019
Reported through the official website Magister of Government Science, The Master of Government Affairs...

Doktor Manajemen UMY Roadshow ke FE UM Purworejo

Juli 17, 2019
Dipublikasikan melalui laman resmi Doktor Manajemen, sebagai bentuk upaya menyambung silaturahmi sesama Tinggi Muhammadiyah...

Visit of lecturers of Business Administration study programs Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumito MIP

Juli 17, 2019
Reported through the official website Magister of Government Science, Magister of Government Science at...

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