As published on the official website of the Master of Public Administration Program, the field of Public Administration has seen significant development. In an effort to keep pace with these advancements, the Master of Public Administration Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta held a public lecture entitled “Updated Quantitative Research Methods for Public Administration” on January 12th.
This public lecture was part of the Quantitative Research course, taught by Dr. Suranto, M.Pol. and Dr. Rahmawati Husein, MCP., Ph.D.
Moderated by Dr. Suranto himself, this online public lecture featured Prof. Dr. Siswoyo Haryono, MM., M.Pd., a Professor at UMY, as the speaker.
The public lecture can be rewatched here: Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif untuk Ilmu Pemerintahan Update – YouTube