On Friday, March 3rd, the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (PPs UMY) received a visit from Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Surabaya in the Postgraduate Program Director’s Meeting Room on the 1st floor. UINSA conducted this visit to learn about the management of the Postgraduate Program and its study programs.
The visit was attended by the Deputy Director of UINSA, Dr. H. Hammis Syafiq, M.Fil.I, and his team, Anis Fajriyah, S.H, Dra. Nur Mazayah Hurin In, Hanik Maria Bintara Wangi, S.Ag, Isna Fistiyanti, S.Sos, Cici, Moh. Nasir, and Chumaidi. Also present were the leadership of PPs UMY, the Director of PPs UMY, Ir. Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng., IPU., ASEAN.Eng, Deputy Director for Human Resources and Finance, Dr. Titih Huriah, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom, Head of the Master of Hospital Administration Study Program, Dr. Elsye Maria Rosa, M.Kep, Secretary of the Master of Hospital Administration Study Program, Dr. Qurratul Aini, SKG., M.Kes, Head of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics and Political Science, Prof. Dr. Sunyoto Usman, M.A, and Secretary of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics and Political Science, Dr. Hasse Jubba, MA.
Two study programs from PPs UMY presented on how they conducted lectures and program management, and UINSA responded by asking several questions directed to each study program, which were answered directly by the study programs and the leadership of PPs UMY.