As reported by Tabloid NPP Palembang, the COVID-19 pandemic era has been extremely challenging for all sectors of life, including education. Students have faced difficulties in acquiring knowledge due to limited learning time from schools or universities and the ongoing online learning process.
Political Islam students from UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, who are members of the Himpunan Mahasiswa Politik Islam (Himapolis), have tried to provide a solution by organizing activities that benefit students.
The COVID-19 pandemic has not hindered students from being progressive in enlightening and educating movements. This is evidenced by the activities of the Himpunan Mahasiswa Politik Islam (Himapolis) at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, which held a National Political Education Webinar as well as a Reflection on Indonesian National Politics and Democracy Throughout 2020, virtually via Zoom Meeting on Saturday, December 19th.
The event was attended by more than 100 students from various schools and universities in Indonesia and featured national-level speakers with expertise in the field of politics, offering insightful analyses and perspectives.
The speakers who shared their knowledge at the webinar included Dr. Ahmad Syukri S.IP, M.Si, Head of the Political Islam Study Program at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Dr. Zuly Qodir (Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Political Islam Study Programs), Jialyka Maharani (Youngest Member of the DPD RI for the 2019-2024 period), and Adi Prayitno, a political observer from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and Executive Director of Parameter Politik Indonesia.
Dr. Zuly Qodir and Dr. Ahmad Syukri S.IP, M.Si argued in their presentations that Islamic politics and general politics have a close relationship and significant prospects for shaping the nation’s character and personality in the future if they are continuously studied and explored seriously and intensively.
On the other hand, Adi Prayitno, who discussed the Reflection on Indonesian National Politics and Democracy in 2020, stated, “In the midst of the ongoing pandemic, the hardening political situation between the public and the government, which has become a stain at the end of the year, should not continue indefinitely. We should all work together to recover from all problems and challenges, hand in hand, and we must forget all egos between the public and the government,” he explained.
Similarly, Jialyka Maharani, a young female politician from South Sumatra, conveyed that a young age is not an obstacle to starting a political career. Relationships, networking, personal branding, and motivation to contribute to the country are important points to support and strengthen opportunities and potential for success in a political career.
The Chairman of Himapolis, represented by Deputy Chairman Rahmat Shobri, when contacted by the media, expressed that “This activity was organized with the aim of increasing student productivity, and it turns out that students are also very enthusiastic about attending this webinar, especially those who are interested in the world of politics to increase their knowledge in the field of Islamic political science and general politics, recognize the prospects of political graduates, and reflect on the ‘retrospective’ process of the dynamics of Indonesian national politics and democracy throughout 2020. Furthermore, through the holding of this event, it is also expected to increase the awareness of participants so that millennial youth are concerned about the political processes happening around us,” he explained. (Idris)