As announced on the official website of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Education Psychology, the Doctoral Program in Islamic Education Psychology at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held a workshop entitled “Publishing Research Articles in Reputable International Journals”. This event was held online via Zoom Meeting on Saturday (23/01).
The Program Chair, Dr. Abd. Madjid, M.Ag., explained in his speech that the purpose of this workshop was to improve the quality and quantity of research publications produced by students.
“Doctoral students are now required to publish their research results in reputable international journals in order to obtain a doctoral degree. To be able to penetrate international journals, special methods and tricks are needed so that articles can meet the criteria. The holding of this workshop is a manifestation of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’s commitment to improving the quality of education and providing the best service for students,” said Madjid.
The speaker of the workshop was Prof. Dr. Burhan Nurgiyantoro, M.Pd., who is the Editor-in-Chief of the Cakrawala Pendidikan Journal (Sinta 1, Scopus Q3). In his material, he explained that to be able to penetrate reputable international journals requires a long time and process because it must go through a review process by experts.
“Writing a good journal requires a lot of reading, including reading good journals that have been published before. Moreover, the writing and publication process is also very long and time-consuming, so it is necessary to prepare well in advance. When a journal is not published or not accepted, it doesn’t mean the world is going to end, so you have to keep trying and be patient,” said Prof. Burhan.
In terms of technicalities, Prof. Burhan taught that in general a good title must be interesting, concise, and reflect the substance of the article content. “The formulation of the title should not be as rigid as the original title of the research; but it is advisable to be flexible and motivating (encouraging) people to read it. Then remove the research location if it is not very unique. In general, a good abstract must reflect the substance of the article content. So the writing of the abstract should be able to motivate (encourage) people to read the entire article,” added Prof. Burhan.