On Saturday, November 4th, the Graduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held a farewell event for retiring lecturer Prof. Dr. Tulus Warsito, M.Si., featuring a scholarly address titled “Turning Points of Civilization in International Relations.”
The event was attended by all UMY Vice-Rectors, as well as faculty members and invited guests.
In his address, Prof. Tulus discussed “Turning Points of Civilization in International Relations,” focusing on his areas of expertise: American Foreign Policy, the Islamic World and the Future of International Relations, and China’s Strategy to Become a Superpower. In his speech, he stated, “… The actors in international relations in the Anthropocene era are no longer just states, but also individuals or citizens, as the stakeholders on Earth are not only states but also humans. Traditional security is important, as is non-traditional security, but a combination of both is needed to preserve the Earth. A comprehensive security awareness is required to face the challenges of the Anthropocene. …” Prof. Tulus Warsito concluded, “A civilization, if not properly adjusted, will become a disaster. Manners and punishment are very closely related. Because manners and punishment must be believed as human behavior. There are causes and effects, if we can outsmart them, reduce the punishment, and pump the benefits from manners.”
The Secretary of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics and Political Science expressed hope, saying, “…teaching, guiding, and so on do not stop, and it remains a new task, retirement is transformed into a new task, for Prof. Tulus to continue to make the Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics his second home in addition to his residence…”