On Thursday, August 4th, the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (PPs UMY) received a visit from the State Finance Polytechnic (PKN STAN). The visit was warmly welcomed by PPs UMY in the Director’s Meeting Room of the UMY Postgraduate Program. This visit was a request from PKN STAN to conduct a benchmarking study of the applied master’s program as well as research and community service management. The visit was attended by 5 (five) representatives from PKN STAN, namely Evy Mulyani, Ak., M.B.A., Ph.D. CA (Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, PKN STAN), Dr. Dyah Purwanti, SST., Ak., M.Si., CA (Head of the Research and Community Service Center, PKN STAN), Akhmad Solikin, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., CA (Senior Lecturer, DIII Accounting Study Program, PKN STAN), Dr. Muhammad Heru Akhmadi, S.E., M.T. (Lecturer, DIV State Financial Management Study Program, PKN STAN), and Noor Raidah Malikhah, S.Pd. (Quality Assurance Unit Officer, PKN STAN). From UMY, the Head of the Cooperation and International Institute, the Head of the Human Resources Development and Career Development Institute, the Head of the UMY Quality Assurance Agency, the Head of the Faculty Service Division of the UMY Community Service Institute, the Director of the Postgraduate Program, the Deputy Director for Human Resources and Finance of the Postgraduate Program, the Head of the Master of Management Study Program, the Quality Control Group of the Master of Public Administration Study Program, and representatives of lecturers from the Master of Public Administration Study Program were present.
During the visit, PPs UMY shared a lot with PKN STAN about the system of developing study programs and teaching. As well as how PPs UMY lecturers carry out research and community service.