Yogyakarta – The Postgraduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held its inaugural lecture on Saturday, September 10, 2022, in the 4th-floor Amphitheater of the Kasman Singodimejo Postgraduate Building.
The inaugural lecture was attended by several functional positions in the Postgraduate Program, such as Dr. Zuly Qodir, M. Ag, the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Dr. Elsye Maria Rosa, M.Kes, the Head of the Master of Hospital Administration Study Program, Dr. Ika Nurul Qamari, M. Si, the Head of the Doctoral Program in Management, and two Program Secretaries, Dr. Udin, MM from the Doctoral Program in Management, and Dr. Aris Fauzan, S. Ag., M.A from the Master of Islamic Studies.
“With 600 applicants to the UMY Postgraduate Program, all of you here are the chosen ones to continue your studies at UMY Postgraduate. Furthermore, lectures will be conducted face-to-face,” said Zuly Qodir in his welcoming remarks.
In his further remarks, Zuly Qodir also explained the system and process of lectures as well as the accreditation of the 13 study programs offered by the Postgraduate Program.
“Welcome to UMY Postgraduate. As we aspire to be excellent and Islamic, for our master’s program, especially for practitioners, we guide them to become researchers who can publish in reputable journals. At a minimum, two Scopus publications or one dissertation, or alternatively, to avoid too many pages for the dissertation, it is sufficient with three publications, at least SINTA 2. By prioritizing SINTA 2, we demonstrate our Indonesian identity so that we don’t continue to contribute only to foreign journals,” said Ika Nurul Qamari.
This inaugural lecture was held offline and was attended by 134 new postgraduate students. It was part of the campus introduction and a gathering for all students of the study programs at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Postgraduate Program.