As released on the official website of the Master of Public Administration Program, the simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) held during the pandemic remain an interesting topic for discussion. Not only does it relate to various problems that occurred, but also projections for the improvement of election implementation in subsequent periods.
The Master of Public Administration Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, which is part of the observers of the 2020 pandemic election implementation, held a Public Lecture on the theme “Evaluation of the 2020 Pandemic Elections in DIY” on Thursday, January 7th.
This public lecture was part of the Election Governance course, taught by Dr. phil. Ridho Al Hamdi, MA, Dr. Tunjung Sulaksono, M.Si, and Bambang Eka CW, S.IP., M.Si.
The online public lecture, which was directly moderated by Ridho, featured Bagus Sarwono, S.Pd.Si., MPA., the Chairperson of the Yogyakarta Special Region Elections Supervisory Board (Bawaslu DIY) as the speaker.
The Public Lecture can be rewatched here: Evaluasi Pilkada Pandemi 2020 di DIY – YouTube
The Public Lecture materials can be downloaded here: Kuliah Umum untuk Mahasiswa | Laboratorium Ilmu Pemerintahan UMY