As published on the official website of the Master of Public Administration Program, the Master of Public Administration Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta held a Public Lecture on the theme “Management and Literacy of COVID-19 Information by the Bantul Regency Communication and Informatics Office: Opportunities and Challenges” on Friday, January 8th.
This public lecture was part of the Government Communication course, taught by Dr. Dian Eka Rahmawati, M.Si.
The online public lecture featured Arif Darmawan, S.STP., Head of the Public Information and Communication Management Division of the Bantul Regency Communication and Informatics Office, as the speaker. Vindhi Putri Pratiwi, S.IP., a Teaching Assistant at the UMY Public Administration Program, served as the moderator.
The Public Lecture can be rewatched here: Pengelolaan dan Literasi informasi Covid-19 oleh Diskominfo Kabupaten Bantul: Peluang dan Tantangan – YouTube