Yogyakarta (04/05) The Graduate Program of UMY held an Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan study session, a mandatory activity for all graduate students. This Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan session was conducted online via Zoom meeting.
This AIK study session carried the theme, “The Revival and Academic Ethics of Muhammadiyah Graduate Students” with Dr. Zuly Qodir, M.Ag, Vice Chairman of Research and Strategic Partnerships of PP Muhammadiyah 2023-2027 and Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the UMY Graduate Program, as the speaker. The study session began with a welcome address from Ir. Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng., IPU., ASEAN.Eng., Director of the UMY Graduate Program.
Ir. Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng., IPU., ASEAN.Eng. in his remarks stated, “UMY was established with the mission of Muhammadiyah/Perserikatan as an institution that produces excellent and Islamic graduates. Therefore, we can fulfill this Islamic mandate if we truly understand Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan. AIK as an implementation is not only enlightenment, including in academic or educational matters, but also the importance of academic courtesy, integrity, and honesty so that it can truly improve the welfare of the community.”
In his material, Dr. Zuly Qodir, M.Ag said, “The theme this time I raise from the relationship of characteristics with recent phenomena, namely intellectuals, the era of disruption, and academic prostitution. Lately, people cannot distinguish between intellectual activities and intellectual attitudes. Sometimes many people mix the two and end up with intellectual attitudes that create chaos in the surrounding environment.”
In conclusion, the speaker concluded with the intellectual aspect, namely 3M (Research, Serve, and Write). Research as a responsibility and obligation, Serving as a duty, and Writing as a life and responsibility. This activity took place interactively, conducively, and smoothly among the participants of the AIK study session.