On Friday, November 25th, the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (PPs UMY) held a SINTA Camp for PPs UMY students. This SINTA Camp aimed to develop students’ skills in writing articles for publication in at least SINTA-indexed journals. The event was well-received by approximately 70 PPs UMY students from 11 study programs. The SINTA Camp was held offline in the 4th-floor Amphitheater of the Postgraduate Program.
Erna Rochmawati, SKp., Ns., MNSc., M.Med.Ed., Ph.D was invited as the speaker, and 5 facilitators, Dr. Mega Hidayati, M.A., Dr. Udin, M.M., Dr. Ahmad Sahide, M.A., Misran, and Syamsul Bahri, assisted students in their writing progress.