As stated on the official website of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, in line with its target to become a Research Excellent University, in October 2021, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) has appointed another Professor. This time, the title was awarded to Prof. H. Eko Priyo Purnomo, S.IP., M.Si., M.Res., Ph.D., in the field of Governance. Notably, he becomes the youngest Professor in this field. The appointment of this lecturer in the field of Governance is based on the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Number 65203/MPK.A/KP.05.01/2021, which was handed over directly on Saturday (09/10) at the Ar Fachruddin A Building, 1st Floor, UMY.
In his remarks, Bhimo Widyo Andoko, S.H., M.H., Acting Head of the Higher Education Service Institution (LLDikti) Region V, expressed his hope that the emergence of the youngest Professor would motivate the birth of other young Muhammadiyah figures. He also advised Prof. H. Eko to continue his work, especially in the academic field.
Dr. Sukirman, Treasurer of the UMY Daily Board of Trustees (BPH), explained that in his opinion, as the highest position in a university, becoming a Professor is a challenge in itself. “On the one hand, today Prof. Eko has succeeded in becoming a Professor. But on the other hand, this is a challenge to guide his other colleagues,” he added.
In line with this, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P., IPM., the Rector of UMY, expressed that the position held by Prof. Eko is not merely for personal gain. “Becoming a professor is a mandate to guide others to also become professors, not to be an obstacle. The potential possessed by lecturers at UMY is extraordinary. If encouraged and continuously supported, I am confident that in the future they will climb even higher,” he said. He also congratulated Prof. Eko for his hard work.