Reported through the official website Master of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), The Master of Government Affairs and Administration of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta gave new enthusiasm to its new students through the “Outbound†event with the theme “Great Leaders for Great Future†which on this occasion took place at Dolan Ndeso, Kulon Progo. The event which lasted for two days (5 – 6 October 2019) was attended by 45 students, both new students and old students who were unable to attend the previous outbound activities.
Some Masters students in Government Science have professional background where their time is consumed by their work. Not a few of them are married. So that their intensity in socializing with their classmates becomes minimal. This condition is the main trigger for holding outbound as a routine activity after each new student admission. Therefore, the hope to be realized from this outbound event is to accommodate the network of friends and increase the intensity of interaction among new students. In addition, with the connections formed, they will be easier to collaborate in their field of work or for collaboration in any case.
The activity began on Saturday afternoon (5/10), where students were given national and state material, wealth and academic orientation so that they understood the lecture process at the Masters in Government Science.
Then, the event was opened on Saturday night (5/10) by the Secretary of the Master of Government Science Study Program Erni Zuhriyati, S.S., S.IP., MA. the event continued with “games†with the intention to train the solidarity of MGAA students, and ended with an art performance performed by MIP students.
The physical event was then held on Sunday morning (6/10), where students had to get up early and take part in morning gymnastics activities. Furthermore, students carry out outbound competitions based on groups that have been formed on the previous day. Back with the team from Dolan Ndeso, the event was filled with a variety of exciting games such as Step A, Labyrinth, Twin Tower, Rouellete, Semar Mystery and the games that were still the most preferred by the outbound participants were Mohawk and Lowrope. The event was closed with the announcement of the winners and a group photo between the 17th and 18th MIP students and the committee.