Reported through the official website Master of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY),  a public lecture was held in the Masters of Government Science in the 2019/2020 school year. The routine activity that is carried out every few years presents guest lecturer Prof. Dr. Nazir Hussain from Quaid-i-Azzam University, Pakistan. This event also involved the MGAA lecturer himself, Tunjung Sulaksono as the second speaker. This public lecture with the theme Democratization in a Moeslem State: Comparative Studies between Indonesia and Pakistan. Indonesia and Pakistan are Asian countries with the majority of the world’s largest Muslim population. However, democracy is not that easy because democracy certainly talks about three things, namely justice, peace, and participation. Indeed, in participation we must be directly involved in the decision-making process (1/10).
The same thing is also owned by Indonesia which implements democracy in stages. Procedural democracy has been implemented by Indonesia, but to enter the stage of substantial democracy Indonesia has not fully succeeded in implementing it. According to Prof. Dr. Nazir Muslim countries have the same problem in implementing democracy. The problem is stability in the political, social and economic fields. In fact, Muslims can implement their own democratic values based on the Qur’an and Sunnah for political life. However, we cannot see the value of Islam being applied in a democratic system. Because, democracy is compactable with Islam, but Islam is not compactable with democracy. (NK)