Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JSKG) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta assignments is to recognize and solve various problems that exist in the government area along with the conflicts that accompany it. Through research activities, seminars, and leadership training. In addition JSKG also provide information on the results of scientific studies and research on leadership and governance issues surrounding its.
We challenge the future opportunities and confident to make an important contribution to the development of studies of effective governance and leadership. Join us, explore our website to get information and latest developments from JSKG Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta . We welcome suggestions from our website visitors.
Currently Jusuf Kalla School of Government offers several programs, there are the undergraduate program, master degree or post graduate, doctoral program, and executive programs. Each program is based on international curriculum then adapted to local contexts in order to develop the intellectual capacity, competency core, skills and professionalism of the graduates. Jusuf Kalla of Government executive program also offers a high quality program design an attractive and adapted to market needs in the era of globalization.
In addition to educational programs such as those mentioned above Jusuf Kalla School of Government also has research programs, scholarships, student exchanges, conferences and publications programs. In the research program is focused on the study of leadership, conflict resolution, and public policy issues. For JKSG student exchange program has cooperated with several universities abroad, among others, Korea University, University Science Malaysia, and Thailand’s Thammasat University. In addition to meet the needs of teachers who are competent JKSG also invited visiting professor from the National University of Singapore, Flinders University in Australia, Doshisa University of Japan, Korea University, and University Science Malaysia.
The international conference held every year in collaboration with strategic partners abroad. The program encourages publishing JKSG publications as diverse as the sites active journals, books, video newsletters, and other multimedia.
As an institution committed to improve the quality of education Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JSKG) also provides various support facilities are adequate for the operation of the process of daily lectures, among others, such as library, computer labs, American Corner, Iranian Corner, Language Training Center, and others.