As announced on the official website of the Master of Public Administration Program, the Master of Public Administration Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta held a Public Lecture entitled “Applied Statistics for Social Research: Intro to Probability, Basic Statistical Theory, Sampling Method, and Introduction to Inference” on January 18th.
This Public Lecture was part of the Quantitative Research course, taught by Rahmawati Husein, MCP, Ph.D and Dr. Suranto, M.Pol.
Moderated directly by Rahmawati, this online public lecture featured Hengki Purwoto, SE., M.A., a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UGM, as the speaker.
The public lecture can be rewatched at: Statistik Terapan untuk Penelitian Sosial : Intro to Probability, Teori Dasar Statistik, Sampling Method, dan Pengantar Inferensi