On Tuesday, March 7th, a total of 84 students, consisting of 77 Master’s degree graduates and 7 Doctoral degree graduates, attended the Period III Graduation Ceremony for the 2022/2023 academic year at the UMY Graduate Program Amphitheater Building. On this occasion, the graduation ceremony was also filled with a Final Study Lecture by Dr. Abdul Gaffar Karim, M.A., Head of the Department of Politics and Government at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM, with the theme “The Political Ethics of Intellectuals and Power.”
Abdul Gaffar Karim explained that moral education is very relative, with one place differing from another. Political ethics are found in moral education and are regulated by many things such as law, the constitution, and others. The roots of political ethics come from human thought, which varies in different places, such as political ethics based on obedience to leaders or political ethics based on the voice of the people, and the goal of political ethics is to achieve legitimacy.
At this event, Dr. Zuly Qodir S.Ag., M.Ag., as Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the UMY Graduate Program, read out the names of the best graduates for the third period of 2022/2023.
The best graduates for each study program are as follows:
Master of Hospital Administration, achieved by Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa with a GPA of 4.00
Master of Nursing, achieved by Dyah Sriwigati with a GPA of 4.00
Master of International Relations, achieved by Ariyanto Nugroho with a GPA of 3.96
Master of Law, achieved by Mahmudi with a GPA of 3.89
Doctor of Islamic Political Science, achieved by Pahmi Amri with a GPA of 3.76
Doctor of Management, achieved by Askar Mohammed Ali Garad with a GPA of 3.93
In the following event, the awarding of the best graduate of the UMY Graduate Program was carried out by Dr. Titih Huriah S.Kep., Ns.,M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom as Deputy Director for Human Resources and Finance of the UMY Graduate Program.
The following are the names of the Best Graduates of the UMY Graduate Program:
Best Graduate and Cumlaude of the UMY Graduate Program Master’s Program, achieved by Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa with a GPA of 4.00
Graduate with the best thesis achievement, achieved by Ade Komariah (Master of Nursing) with the thesis title, “Effectiveness of Combined Therapy of Slow Stroke Back Massage (SSBM) and Murottal Qur’an on Fatigue and Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients at RS PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Yogyakarta”.
Best Graduate and Cumlaude of the UMY Doctoral Program, achieved by Askar Mohammed Ali Garad with a GPA of 3.93
Graduate with the best dissertation achievement, achieved by Askar Mohammed Ali Garad (Doctor of Management) with the title of his dissertation, “The Antecedents and Consequences Financial Management System in Higher Education Institutions”.